Now shall we discuss something about youth, their dreams, their ambitions, and lots more to list about youths?
Yes, we will dedicate this session to youths. I do not mind whether you are present youth or future youth or a past youth. Whoever you may be just, share your joy.
Isn’t this youth wonderful with challenges, desires, and race?
Of course, it is I agree. How about you?
Especially in today’s world isn’t it much interesting in doing lot of things.
Victory and failures become part of human lives only in youth.
It is the youth age where experience enters life. Nothing more than youth can give you a fulfillment of living your life to the fullest. If you have missed something at this age, according to me you have missed something lifelong. Have everything you can in this world, rock all your time and keep those that were good and throw off those that were bad. Anger, tension all these frustrations are not part of your life. They are just guests, ignore them if they tease you, and take them if they raise you.
Love could be the only thing behind every little living being. Either it is good or bad love lies behind everything. It is too bad to live life practically and too bad to live it emotionally too. It is always important that we manage both at equal depths. These two would teach you what life is. Am not speaking philosophy, boring your ears. It is just what my soul speaks to your soul. When you read this, if you are a youth then just think of your life, your goal, the way you travel. Just ask a few questions “Have you loved someone?” at least your mom, dad, your books, or whatever it may be. Have you loved your friends? Had a good time with them? Enjoyed your life?
You will have only a few more years chance given to do all these just rock those years ahead and forget those that were ugly or happy behind.
Don’t miss anything in your life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
Now just comment are a youth in your soul right?